Why Your Professional Services Firm Needs a Content Strategy

Does it feel like “content marketing” is everyone’s favorite buzzword? There’s a good reason communications, advertising, and marketing professionals can’t stop talking about it - it works. And for professional service firms with savvy marketing strategies, it's driving business.

What is content marketing?

Content marketing creates value for your customers through targeted content that they find through organic or paid searches, your social media channels, your website, and your email campaigns. It includes:

  • Social media posts

  • Videos

  • Blogs

  • Infographics

  • Podcasts

  • And so much more

What does content marketing do for your business?

  • Generates leads

  • Creates brand awareness

  • Educates potential and current customers

  • Builds credibility and trust

Does content marketing actually work?

Absolutely. Content marketing gives you the chance to toot your own horn. Through blogs, videos, question-and-answer sessions, infographics, and other media, your business can demonstrate the unique skill set and solutions you bring to the table. By creating a space where your proficiency is always on display, you can have a strong influence on your customer base. In fact, “88% of business decision-makers say thought leadership increased their respect and admiration for the organization." That number nudges up to 89% for C-suite executives. 

Do you still need convincing?

Here’s some more data on content marketing:

  • 97% of law firms with 100+ lawyers are already investing in marketing efforts.

  • 82% of marketers report actively using content marketing in 2021, up 70% from the prior year.

  • In 2021, 67% of respondents said they relied even more on content to research and inform purchase decisions than they did in 2020.

Ultimately, content marketing has gained popularity simply because it delivers results. 

Did you know that over 62% of companies outsource their content marketing? That’s because content marketing only works when you create high-quality content consistently. You will continue to see businesses and brands creating content across all platforms designed to engage, provoke, entice, and educate their desired audience base because it is a proven way to create customer relationships that last. It doesn’t hurt that content marketing is cost-effective, making it an accessible addition to your marketing plan, no matter the size of your business. 

Comsint has the experience and the talent to create a content marketing strategy for your law firm that integrates with your entire team and delivers results.

Contact us today for more information.


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